Wednesday 29 February 2012

February 29: Ladies, It’s Proposal Time!

Some people say that the tradition of proposing to your man was initiated by Saint Patrick or Brigid of Kildare in 5th century Ireland. St Brigid apparently complained to St Patrick that women were having to wait too long for proposals and he said, “Well fine, have one day every four years and be quiet about it, already.” Some say that a 1288 law by Queen Margaret of Scotland, required that fines were levied if a 29 February marriage proposal was refused by the man. 
And in Denmark, the tradition is apparently that refusal must be compensated by buying the woman 12 pairs of gloves to hide her wedding ring-less hands.

Whatever the reason, the 29th is your day, ladies. Get a tasteful ring, work out what you’re going to say.

Make its special, make it a moment that you will remember for the rest of your lives together..if he accepts..LOL..

The DO's and DON'Ts when it comes to proposing to your mann..
Do: express how you feel. You’d like him to tell you how much he loves you if he was asking you to marry him.
Don't: express how you feel too much. Men can get embarrassed if things get excessively mushy so don’t overwhelm him with romance. In other words, don’t have it raining rose petals and hold the fireworks.

Do: be confident. He probably loves you just as much as you love him.
Don't: expect an answer straight away. Unlike us, men don’t spend their whole lives dreaming about this moment. In fact, many even fear it. With this in mind, don’t be surprised if your man needs some time to think about it.

Do: ask if he wants a ring. He probably won’t but you don’t want to start your marriage with him resenting your lack of generosity.
Don't: he wants a ring and give it to him there and then.

Take into account what type of guy he is. For example, if he is the metrosexual type,buy him a watch. A watch is the perfect proposal gift for him, i mean its what i would get him.:-)

Bottom line,take it easy ladies, and remember he already loves you, thats why he is still with you.

Love, Light, Peace of Mind !!

Friday 10 February 2012

Love Doesnt have to Hurt To Feel Good

The 5 Healing Colors, in preparation for the month of Love!

According to Chinese medicine. The “Five Healing Colors” can purify and heal all the pathways in the body, and the colors are traditionally used to harmonize the organs.
Blue: The healing color of the kidneys.
Red: The healing color of the heart.
Green: The healing color of the liver.
White: The healing color of the lungs
Yellow: The healing color of the soul.

In the past years i have experienced heartache, like I am sure all of us have.
The difference with each and every one of us is how we deal with this pain or heartache.

Before i go any further let me quote one of my favorite love songs. Its by a girl group called Atomic Kitten..ha ha!! Interesting name but does the trick, right?

Atomic Kitten Ladies Night Promo
"I learned a lesson in my life           
But I learned it the hard way                                      
I don't know why I used to fall in love
With the wrong kind                                                   
Then I suffer so much pain
But I only had myself to blame
maybe you came
In the nick of time to show doesn't have to hurt to feel good...
Ladies this does not only mean that someone has to come into your life to teach you this lesson, you can overcome the pain on your own. Find positive outlets for your emotions, for example, if you get angry easily direct that anger towards something positive-scrubbing the bathroom floor.
Like Kelly Clarkson  Tells us in her latest track
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger..
Stand a little taller.
Doesn't mean am lonely when I'm alone..."

Heal before you love again.

The most important lesson I have learned is that you NEVER give up on someone you love. If you want to understand love, let me explain for you how i view love.

Single ladies like me, learn to love and embrace yourselves,think about it this way, if you do not love yourself, how can someone else love you?
Married women, its amazing to be married and settled having found your life partner and companion. But do not forget one thing, you were once single and in the dating game, do not make other single or dating women feel any "less" because they are not married. Remember. No one in this life COMPLETES you, they COMPLEMENT you. hence the word COMPANION.
A parents love in undying, you bring this child to the world. Nurture them, teach them and care for them every step of the way. But this very child can hurt you or disappoint you at some point in this never ending journey called Parenthood.. But do you ever give up on your child, NO, love is forgiving, understanding, compromising, caring and being there no matter the circumstances.
On to what every lady has been looking forward to..lets call it..

Ladies, i know its that special date night on the 14th.

If you're single, i bet you will have a blind date or a cyber date.Or maybe your colleague has set you up with her neighbor. This is what I would wear

Amber Riley of Glee.
I prefer trousers, i find dresses hard to manage. I like this outfit because.
Its comfortable, easy on the eye, and most importantly I would  feel great in it..Oh and the boots are low enough to run from danger..LOL..

Jennifer Hudson-Actress and Singer.
If you have been in a long term relationship or marriage, chances are your man sees you everyday, spice things up, look different for that special night.

If you are a simple dresser, go bold with big accessories or bold colors!!

Katrina, Model
If you are in a fairly new relationship, get creative but not too creative, you want this new man in your life to know your style. Trust me ladies its not worth it changing your style in the initial stages just to please him. Men like honesty, so stick to your style, if casual, add some heels.If you are the suit and classy type,stick to your style but maybe you can add some color to mark the occasion.

This one is for the Bold single ladies like many of the ladies in our society today. If you do not have a date-its never that
Tracy DiMarco- Hair Styist and Plus size model
serious!! Take yourself out, for a movie, dinner, cocktails.

You know what men always say..........

The SEXIEST thing any woman can ever wear is CONFIDENCE!!!

Have a blast Ladies!!!
Love, Light, Peace of Mind...<3 !

Wednesday 1 February 2012

.......My little BLUE box..........
Welcome to my world my lovelies, before we begin this journey its only befitting that i tell you my favorite color,which is obviously Blue. I have loved the color since i was a baby..
Primarily Blue is associated with Sadness but for me its the opposite..Blue represents everything beautiful.

The SKY !

MUSIC. Laughter, to me any dull moment can be brightened up by this color....jeez even my fav boy band was called BLUE..hahahahahah!!! ( yes ladies i know Total EYE CANDY!!!)

This is purely an intro into my world.
My vision as described is for women to love themselves from within !
Pic you favorite color, pic a color that represents something to you, be it happiness, nostalgia or even just pure comedy!! 

Someone very dear and special to me gave me a little blue box before i left My home country..In it was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen!!!....... Will not go into details..all I will say is...through all my 25 years, through the laughter,the pain, the joy, the heartache.This person knew me so well..why?? He embraced my love of color..yes i know he gave me a BLUE box..but inside that box is where I found the inspiration to embrace my destiny...through COLOR!!! 

Today I will wear my favorite Blue Skinny jeans..paired with a casual t-shirt,easy for running around with.

It is my vision but OUR journey my lovelies


Love, Light, Peace of Mind......

Saturday 21 January 2012

Colour Co-ordinated or Colour-clashing or Just Plain Tacky,*JERSYstyle.

COLOUR is beautiful....But  How You play With it will detetermine if people will go AAARRGHHH or WOW when they see you <3
simple in black and white!
Classic in Blue with a touch of silver!
Animal print with a touch of Yellow!